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响应式 Vibration API

Reactive Vibration API


Most modern mobile devices include vibration hardware, which lets software code provides physical feedback to the user by causing the device to shake.

Vibration API 为 Web 应用程序提供访问此硬件(如果存在)的功能,如果设备不支持此功能,则不会执行任何操作。

The Vibration API offers Web apps the ability to access this hardware, if it exists, and does nothing if the device doesn't support it.


振动被抽象成【开 - 关】脉冲的模式,且可以具有变化的长度。

Vibration is described as a pattern of on-off pulses, which may be of varying lengths.

参数可以是单个整数,表示持续振动的毫秒数 (ms);或可由多个整数组成的数组,达到振动和暂停循环的效果。

The pattern may consist of either a single integer describing the number of milliseconds to vibrate, or an array of integers describing a pattern of vibrations and pauses.

import { useVibrate } from '@vueuse/core'

// This vibrates the device for 300 ms
// then pauses for 100 ms before vibrating the device again for another 300 ms:
const { vibrate, stop, isSupported } = useVibrate({ pattern: [300, 100, 300] })

// Start the vibration, it will automatically stop when the pattern is complete:

// But if you want to stop it, you can:
import { useVibrate } from '@vueuse/core'

// This vibrates the device for 300 ms
// then pauses for 100 ms before vibrating the device again for another 300 ms:
const { vibrate, stop, isSupported } = useVibrate({ pattern: [300, 100, 300] })

// Start the vibration, it will automatically stop when the pattern is complete:

// But if you want to stop it, you can:

类型声明(Type Declarations)

export interface UseVibrateOptions extends ConfigurableNavigator {
   * Vibration Pattern
   * An array of values describes alternating periods in which the
   * device is vibrating and not vibrating. Each value in the array
   * is converted to an integer, then interpreted alternately as
   * the number of milliseconds the device should vibrate and the
   * number of milliseconds it should not be vibrating
   * @default []
  pattern?: MaybeComputedRef<number[] | number>
   * Interval to run a persistent vibration, in ms
   * Pass `0` to disable
   * @default 0
  interval?: number
 * Reactive vibrate
 * @see
 * @see
 * @param options
export declare function useVibrate(options?: UseVibrateOptions): {
  isSupported: Ref<boolean>
  pattern: MaybeComputedRef<number | number[]>
  intervalControls: Pausable | undefined
  vibrate: (pattern?: number | number[]) => void
  stop: () => void
export type UseVibrateReturn = ReturnType<typeof useVibrate>
export interface UseVibrateOptions extends ConfigurableNavigator {
   * Vibration Pattern
   * An array of values describes alternating periods in which the
   * device is vibrating and not vibrating. Each value in the array
   * is converted to an integer, then interpreted alternately as
   * the number of milliseconds the device should vibrate and the
   * number of milliseconds it should not be vibrating
   * @default []
  pattern?: MaybeComputedRef<number[] | number>
   * Interval to run a persistent vibration, in ms
   * Pass `0` to disable
   * @default 0
  interval?: number
 * Reactive vibrate
 * @see
 * @see
 * @param options
export declare function useVibrate(options?: UseVibrateOptions): {
  isSupported: Ref<boolean>
  pattern: MaybeComputedRef<number | number[]>
  intervalControls: Pausable | undefined
  vibrate: (pattern?: number | number[]) => void
  stop: () => void
export type UseVibrateReturn = ReturnType<typeof useVibrate>


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